Wednesday, 16 May 2012

The Pace of Life!

Well the pace of life has certainly slowed the the Fat Quarter household. It is most apparent in the mornings.....the house is quieter and less frantic. It's a combination of factors, two offspring away and only Mr Placid is home. Since retirement, Top Gear is actually sleeping in till 6:30 am and then quietly has a cuppa and reads the paper for an hour so this Fat Quarter Bird nests till 8:00 am......blissful!
Speaking of nests, my lovely postman delivered these to me yesterday.

Brigitte's book is pure eye candy, page after page of all her gorgeous patterns. I have already been inspired and my fingers are itching to start a new project, but I must, I must, I must practise restraint.
I have pulled out another lifetime project to build on, mindless sewing but very pretty.

I have almost finished the appliqué for this too. It's Harperville from Kathy Doughty and is made in the softest, easy to show flannels.

So retirement ( well, almost retirement as I still hold on to one day a week paid work) is suiting us well. We even talked today about getting some stick ons for the fridge that say.......Today is Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday etc. You know the ones, like they have in pre- school, because we are having to stop and think what day it is. Sad isn't it!

Top Gear has taken to the gardening with gusto.......and a chainsaw!

And I am whiling away my days, walking, stitching and getting the pesky household jobs done.
Do you think we might get sick of it?

Happy Stitching!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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