It's an adventure just to find the place......just when you think the GPS needs to be taught a lesson, you pass through a gate in a stone wall and there it is. It is part of a beautiful old working farm. It has been Jo's passion for twenty years. A cafe serving homecooked farm produce is also part of the complex and has quite a reputation in itself.
While I made a beeline for the shop, Top Gear mooched around to take photos. The shop was amazing.....I have never seen so much Kaffe / Brandon / complementary fabric in one place. I was in fabric raptures but then Top Gear appeared to tell me I had to go next door to see what was going on. There was a workshop happening and I am delighted to say that all the ladies were busy making quilts inspired by Kathy Doughty's book "Making Quilts".
I was a bit of a celebrity when I mentioned I knew Kathy, had been in classes with her and was a regular visitor to her shop in Sydney.
I spent a lovely few hours enjoying their show and tell, until suddenly it was time to go home ......and I hadn't even shopped!!!!
Jo very generously opened the shop again for me and let me play in there for a while.
Another treat was getting a sneak peek at Jo's quilts ready to be photographed for her new book......a book for beginners but the quilts were awesome, not just squares sewn together!!!!!!
But what of Kaffe you ask???? I said to Jo she had the best range of Kaffe fabric and books I had ever seen and she said I should have been there yesterday as Kaffe and Brandon had been there for the day to have lunch and to drop off a stack of his new book. Missed him by thaaaaaaaaat much! Should have been a day earlier!!!!!
Jo was generous and warm....I came away with a signed copy of Kaffe's book as a gift and managed to do a bit of shopping damage as well.
This was a day to remember for me. If you ever go to Cornwall, UK, do not miss this place!!!!!!
Happy Stitching
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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