Monday, 28 October 2013

The Quiet Time.....after!

Well the deed is done! Princess walked down the aisle with her Top Gear Dad. It was beautiful.....what else can a mother say.

We had a glorious afternoon and everything went according to plan. All the girls looked stunning. I only have a happy snap at this stage but you will get the idea.

Flowers were the focus of the venue decoration and they arrived by the bucket loads. My house is now filled with their fragrance. They are gorgeous!

It has suddenly gone quiet, after being busy making, making, making for the past several months. So what do you do in a quiet time.......mmmmmm, let me think......I know.......start a new project. My fat quarter win is becoming a pot holder quilt, of sorts. You might call it a quilt-as-you-go cathedral window quilt.

I will keep you posted.....more wedding photos to come!
Happy Stitching!

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Thursday, 24 October 2013

A win, a lose and a sneak peek!

This week has seen anxiety levels on the rise. Princess's wedding is this Saturday, and although I know it's all organised and under control, I can't stop myself having little bouts of anxiety about things maybe forgotten or overlooked. For the most part, I am excited and looking forward to the day. It should be a pretty, romantic day for is a sneak peek but don't tell her I posted this before the day!

We are hoping for beautiful weather but at the same time praying for rain. The second reason anxiety levels are on the rise are the bushfires raging quite close by. We live in a bushland block and on Thursday a fire started not too far from our house. It was out of control for many hours and with erratic winds was going in all directions. We were constantly vigilant for ash and embers coming our's still burning but under control. Here is a picture taken by our local newspaper. These firemen are standing on the walking track that is my daily walk!

Then finally, a nice surprise! I won a prize.......21 fat quarters and a pattern pack. Thank you Sue Daley designs....I am delighted.

Happy Stitching!

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Monday, 14 October 2013

One year on.........

Well, it has been a while, a year full of highs and lows. The lows have predominantly been associated with learning to care for very elderly parents, who have never really needed help but have now had one health tumble after another. All a part of life, I know, but a bit harder than I expected.
Best way to cope, count the highs! It has been a joy to watch our Princess prepare for her garden wedding due to take place in two weeks time. Her happiness bubbles out around her. Earlier this year, Revhead and her bought their first home and she promptly moved out of mine.....a high for her but a low for me. I missed her, until I realised she was home every second day. She does live very close by!!!
Another high was a great holiday in Vietnam, our second visit but still fun. I really loved our resort stay at the end......sunning, swimming, sleeping and reading.....bliss.

Another high each month is my Book Club......I arranged for all the pals I miss from work to join me in reading a book and meeting for lunch on a regular basis. We have a blast, not much intellectual analysis of the chosen tome is undertaken, but we never stop talking and all enjoy the eating!!
A surprising high has been a gym class undertaken several times a week. Who'd ya
thought!!!!! Nice people and a coffee group after have widened my social scene.
A constant high this year has been my quilting hobby. A couple of monthly stitching groups, Friday fortnight girls, Saturday ladies and those handful of close stitching buddies new friends and old ( you know who you are!) that kept me looking forward to fun in my week, thank you!
Sooooo, my first full year of retirement wasn't exactly as I expected but it is still all good.....less travel than we planned but time for more social pursuits and to give to those that need it.
On a quilty note, Novocastrian Quilters held their annual exhibition this weekend. I had a quilt entered in the nine patch challenge.

The quilts entered were varied and all wonderful.

Lots of people worked hard to make it all a success.

Well done everyone!
Happy Stitching!
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